Enroll in the FLS

Thank you for considering membership in the FLS

Fight back! Help Floridians regain sovereignty, freedom and independence. It’s a small price to pay – Join today.

Membership Application
Join Now!

By my joining, I agree to uphold the statement of purpose of The FLS: “We seek to advance the cultural, social, economic, and political well-being and independence of Floridians by all honorable means.”

You will be on the front lines of history in the making as we return sovereignty and independence to a free Florida Republic.


New members, please complete the online application below.
All fields marked with a * are required: A copy of applicant’s Government Photo ID as well as Student ID (if applicable) must be uploaded from this page or sent to the FLS via electronic or postal mail to the address below within fourteen (14) days for this application to be valid.

Join or Renew your membership now.

Enroll Online

Enter for both spouses for Couples and Family Enrollment
Enter for both spouses for Couples and Family Enrollment
Enter for both spouses for Couples and Family Enrollment
Securely upload a file for each spouse for Couples and Family Enrollment
Securely upload a file for Student Enrollment
List the names of spouse and/or children under 18 who will be members under the Couples or Family Enrollment option.
List your shirt size for futute promotional consideration (S M L XL XXL)
How did you hear about the FLS? Please let us know. (social media site, flier/literature, Free Magnolia, word of mouth, etc.)

Fields with (*) are compulsory.